Q. Why LaTeX special characters appear in my PDF file of the application form that is created by ProMS? |
A. Because you have not chosen the 'yes' button of 'Do you want to make LaTeX special characters effective in fields marked with (tex)?' |
Q. Where are the style files for TeX files created from webform input? |
A. From here. |
Q. I have been accustomed to making tex files for the Subaru proposal submission. I want to make a proposal tex file from scratch. Where can I find template tex files? |
A. From here. |
Q. After the deadline of Normal+Intensive proposal submission, a part of the list for temporarily saved proposals on my page has disappeared. |
A. The disappeared proposal was created in the Normal+Intensive form. Any proposals which you edited in that forms will disappear from the list after the deadline of Normal+Intensive submission. |
Q. I downloaded the PDF file to check in the STEP2. My Scientific Justification PDF file was not included in it. Something wrong in my Scientific Justification PDF? |
A. No worry. The PDF file includes only the Application Form. Scientific Justification and Finding Chart are not included. |
Q. I'd like to change my email address. |
A. If you use the STARS account to login to ProMS,
access the STARS web page. Top tab:'Maintenance'->'Change Email/Password' If you use the ProMS account, GET a ProMS ID using the new address. If you want to refer to your previous proposals to create a new proposal, please tell us your old ID and new ID. |